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« Quand tu ne peux rien faire d'autre et qu'il faut crier... »

samedi 17 septembre 2016 à 04h03, par k6gc8rvg4k

« Liu Wen year : ». Spent about half a day first aid helped people also need more than the addition it seems that this bug . will also return to me. Ai Qing did not eat in the morning« »Eat« Liu Wen sad years »porridge« Face will be green His eyes looked misty mist Chu Yuan thought then said : »I noon with a dinner let the small Jin Mo knows« Temperature adults nodded enthusiastically Chu Yuan emperor has always been very frugal meals are extremely simple in the house let alone be on the outside So even if the extra food have become nothing more than pork poultry but ate seven or eight days for a (...)

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